The world renowned saxophonist Evan Parker, dubbed as one of ‘music’s greatest living instrumentalists’ (The Times), and ‘one of the world’s finest ensemble improvisers’ (Chicago Reader), encountered Noh flautist Yukihiro Isso joined by
Tatsushi Narita (Kotsuzumi Shoulder Drum), Mitsuhiro Kakihra (Otsuzumi Hip Drum), Kiyoshi Yoshitani (Taiko Stick Drum) and Kaho Aso (Kotsuzumi Shoulder Drum).
In their first meeting, Evan and Yukihiro explored improvisation with rarely heard dialogues of contrasting rhythms, colours and sounds.
You can read a review of the performance over at the Jazzwise Magazine website.
While being a first class performer of classical Noh repertoires, Yukihiro Isso is an outstanding improviser and has performed with the likes of Cecil Taylor, Peter Brötzmann, and John Zorn. Yukihiro recently collaborated with Roger Turner on a new LP following live performances at Cafe OTO in London.